Impact of extreme weather events on the occurrence of infectious diseases in Belgium from 2011 to 2021

We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest research, which investigates the potential association between extreme weather events and the occurrence of infectious diseases in Belgium.  This study has been recently published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology (doi: 10.1099/jmm. 0.001863).

This work emphasises not only the correlation between meteorological conditions and the incidence of infectious diseases, but also the impact of extreme weather events on their prevalence.

The findings of this study may inform the development of adaptation and mitigation strategies.

This study is the result of a collaboration between the Centre for Environmental Health and Occupational Health, School of Public Health, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), the LHUB-ULB (CHU Brugmann, CHU Saint-Pierre and Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles (H.U.B.)), and the Scientific Directorate of Epidemiology and Public Health Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium.